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Our Products

The Herdsman

  • Be the first to try, and give feedback on New Products or Scents (Products Received Free of Charge upon Production)
  • In Store Discount Card
  • Free Goat Themed Gift in Each Monthly Package

Whether you need your monthly soap and lotion for personal use or a stock of any Celebration Gifts, sign up for our monthly subscription packages and be prepared.

Monthly packages are not returnable, however if you have a particular scent group you would prefer, just let us know. We have fruity, flowery, masculine and crisp and clean smelling products. Otherwise, our monthly subscriptions will be provided based on the month, Spring - Flower Scents, Summer - Fruity Scents, Fall - Warm Scents, Winter - Holiday and Spice Scents.


  • One, two ounce lotion
  • One, four ounce lotion
  • One, eight ounce lotion
  • Two, four ounce soaps
Per Month, Monthly Recurring
Per Month, Monthly Recurring